Net with Avocado Bacon BIO 2kg



17 , 00 EUR

Avocado fruit of the Bacon variety has an oval shape and thin, delicate, shiny green skin. Its flesh is delicate too, light green changing into green-yellow, depending on the level of ripeness. It has light taste and somewhat stringy structure. The fruits cultivated in Sicily reach average sizes - each one weighs from 180g to 300g. The time for ripening is from November up until the end of March. The fruits are best stored in a cool and dry place, yet we advise against keeping them in the coolest place of a fridge. To speed up the process of avocado ripening, it suffices to keep them in a paper bag accompanied by apples. Avocado is an exotic fruit which originates from South America. It has been known since the times of the Aztecs and the Incas, yet it became commonly known in Europe only in the previous century. The first avocado trees were planted in Sicily in the 1970-s. There are over 600 varieties of avocado, what allowed the creation of cross-breeds which adapt well to various climatic conditions that are slightly different from the subtropical ones. Avocado is valued mainly for its content of unsaturated fatty acids, which make up 20% of the fruit.

Storage recommendations

Dopo la raccolta può essere conservato a temperatura ambiente per otto giorni.

Use recommendations

Il frutto può essere utilizzato da solo oppure in insalata con pomodoro, astice ,gamberetti, tonno. Può essere anche utilizzato per condire la pasta fredda con pomodorino, feta, olio, sale, limone e pepe.

Category - Fruit & Vegetables
Storage temperature - °C
Set's products:
Avocado Bacon BIO
Quantity Category Origin Caliber
2 kg  II  Italia - Sicilia  Non Calibrato 

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