Moro is one of the best known and best associated varieties of red, Sicilian oranges. The characteristic feature of this variety is the intense, red-claret colour of the flesh, which borders on deep purple in the peak season. Just like in the case of other varieties, Moro has many subspecies. The one most often met in the region of Lentini and Catania is Moro Nucellare, which ripens slightly earlier, that is at the turn of December and January, and Moro “comune”, which is picked in February. Moro tree usually bears small and medium size fruit. Fruits of this variety are full of antioxidants and vitamins. It is for this reason that Moro has such intense taste, with a touch of bitterness which appears when the fruits are very ripe. Moro is considered a cure-all for the winter infections and colds.
Conservare in luogo fresco ed asciutto.
Perfetti da spremere, dato che questi piccoli frutti sono molto succosi e poveri di semi ma ricchissimi di antocianine, sostanze antiossidanti che conferiscono al frutto il caratteristico colore rosso intenso.
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