Cubotto with Lane Late oranges BIO 11,5kg



34 , 50 EUR

Lane Late orange derives from Washington Navel, therefore it is similar to Naveline, with the difference that it ripens in April. The fruits of Lanelate variety have fairly rough skin which is bright orange, and sweet juicy pulp. The fruits have hardly any seeds. Similarly to Naveline, Lanelate has oval shape and characteristic “navel”. This is a relatively late variety – the fruits develop late in winter and ripen from April to May. The trees have fruits of medium and large calibre, their skin peels off easily, therefore they are valued as delicacies or to make juice.

Category - Fruit & Vegetables
Storage temperature - °C
Set's products:
Quantity Category Origin Caliber
11.5 kg  II  Italia - Sicilia  6-7 

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