Cubotto with green peppers BIO 6kg



42 , 00 EUR

Pepper is one these plants originating from South America whose cultivation was developed in Europe in the 16th century. We grow several varieties of pepper, so that it would be possible to pick them throughout most of the year. Ranging from peppers of slightly smaller dimensions and square form in the autumn, to elongated peppers shaped like a horn in the beginning of summer. Regardless of colour, peppers contain huge amount of vitamin C, more than oranges. Like courgettes, peppers have high content of water and are low in calories, they contain lots of potassium and little sodium which makes them natural diuretics. We cultivate our pepper in the area of Marina di Ragusa, Ispica, Caltagirone and Comiso.

Category - Fruit & Vegetables
Storage temperature - °C
Set's products:
Quantity Category Origin Caliber
6 kg  II  Italia - Sicilia  Non Calibrato 

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